“The Shy Side of Elizabeth Olsen: Her Struggles with Social Media Rejection”

In an interview with Fashion magazine’s May 2015 issue, Elizabeth Olsen revealed that she doesn’t use social media because she wants to maintain her privacy. The actress, who starred in Avengers: Age of Ultron, admitted that she wishes she could just disappear and not have people pry into her personal life. According to Olsen, she would rather have people focus on her work as an artist rather than her image as a public figure. She believes that social media gives people too much control over their public persona and chooses to stay away from it.

I simply want to vanish from people’s minds and let my work speak for itself. I’m not one for constant attention or interaction through social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter. I refuse to subject myself to that kind of exposure. The portrayal of my generation as lazy and unambitious by the media is unfair and inaccurate. We have much more to offer than being labeled as “slackers”. By the way, I’m a 26-year-old actress and yes, my older siblings are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.

In her statement, she expressed her frustration with how her generation is often portrayed as entitled and lazy. Elizabeth is set to play the role of The Scarlett Witch in Marvel’s highly-anticipated movie. She also shared that she has turned down some acting opportunities to avoid contributing to the violence in society, citing a recent thriller script that she had to decline.

Why contribute to the already existing violence in the world? Superhero movies primarily depict the destruction of robots, not human beings, so it’s not even a valid argument. Additionally, most heroes, particularly in Marvel comics, champion for the underdogs and those who are marginalized.

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